For our activity this week, we made Daisy bracelets based on the Girl Scout Law bracelets from Making Friends.
Daisy Bracelets
You will need:
- elastic cord, about 10" per bracelet
- about 24 pony beads per bracelet in blue, yellow, and white
- white glue
- masking tape (optional)
Cost: Inexpensive
Ahead of time:
Cut the elastic into 10" lengths, and dab a bit of white glue on each end to keep it from fraying and to help the girls string the beads.
How to do it:
Have the girls count out their beads, and string them. If it gets awkward, tape one end of the elastic to the work surface to keep things steady. Tie off each bracelet with a square knot, and dab a bit of white glue on the knot. If you need to trim the long ends of the elastic afterwards, put another dab of glue on the cut ends.
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